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Replacing Nautilus by PCMan File Manager

Story - Why Hon Jen Yee made this software via his site:
  • Konqueror is absolutely a great file manager, so is GNOME nautilus, but the problem is, I don't need that much functionality. Since I'm using an old machine, what I want is lightweight, not all-in-one and very powerful. I've tried ROX-filer, which really rocks, but I cannot get used to its user interface. After trying XFCE thunar, I think it may be the best, but It really lacks something I desire, especially something like tabbed-browsing. I surf the web, try to dig in SourceForge and Freshmeat, but nothing special found. Some file managers are lightweight and fast, don't support i18n, though. So, the best solution I can figure out might be developing my own. That's why this project is started, and why it's named after my nickname on the internet, PCMan.
  • The goal of this project is not to build a huge yet powerful file manager, but a slim and useful one. I'm not going to add too much functionality to this software. If UNIX has told us something, that must be "One program had better do one thing, and do its best." Let file manager be file manager, not a combination of web browser, media player, archiver, CD-burner, and anything you can think of. A file manager containing everything actually looks like nothing, and make the newbies confusing.
  • I borrow the interface from Firefox, Windows Explorer, and nautilus, and try to aggregate their useful parts. Most hotkeys are compatible with Firefox, so users can get used to it easily. Files can be easily dragged to other tabs in the same window. You can open related folders in the tabs of the same window without making the task bar over-crowded, and keep your desktop cleaner.
  • Currently, this software is still under development and there is still much improvement to do. Anyone intreasted in this project and wants to join us is welcomed. Any kind of contribution, such as testing, bug reporting, translation, patches, advertiing, and artwork are highly appreciated.

It is possible to replace partially Nautilus by PCMan File Manager to set it as your default file manager. Here are the steps you have to follow:

1. Open nautilus-folder-handler.desktop file by running this command in the terminal:

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-handler.desktop

2. In line four, change Exec=nautilus --no-desktop %U to Exec=pcmanfm --no-desktop %U, then save your file.

-> This simple modification allows to use by default PCMan File Manager for the first entries in the shortcut menu (Personal Folder, Desktop, bookmarks). 

3. Open now nautilus-computer.desktop file by running this command in the terminal:

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop

4. In line six, change Exec=nautilus to Exec=pcmanfm / 

Save now your file so that new changes take effect.

-> This modification allows the opening of a file manager window in the root of your system.


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